Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Lurking Review

Overall through this project, I have gained a more deep and meaningful understanding of what blogging is about. Some highlights during the project, was actually when I created my first ever blog and put in my first post. Anyway here are some of my classmates blogs which I found particularly interesting as they were quite similar to mine..lolz..well sort of.

Kisa Basabas
Safwan Kamarudin
Tanya Mazurk

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Having a Feed

This is a vlog about me and my brothers going through the process of eating, or as we say in Porirua, "Having a feed". Makes you hungry eh..hehe..

The Mission Man

Hey there people, this is a composite image of my journey from school to home everyday, or in this case every night..hehe..

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Clip

Hey its Lomz. The thing I love most about Design is how it lets you be free to express your personality through your work.

For Project 3 - ‘The Clip’ for DESN 111, the task was, that in pairs create a 15-60 second clip that speaks expressively and explicitly about our design discipline of choice. We chose Interior Architecture, and decided to use the Wellington Railway Station as our location to explore the ideas of Space and its relationship through ‘Inhabitation’ and ‘Light and Shadow’.

The main challenge that me and my partner in crime faced during this project, was thinking of an idea to get us started, and although it took us a while to find one, when we did we were off and rolling.

As I was saying before about how your work can express your personality, well seeing as I am a funny guy, me and my partner added a little of that humour to the clip, and I would like to say that our clip was a success, as it received a standing ovation at the video awards in LT 1, and a very deserving B+ grade.

Well that’s all for now, but keep an eye out for more updates soon,
